Monday, January 31, 2011

In Like a Lion

Ah, enter February.  Wasn't it MARCH, that is said to come in like a Lion and go out like a lamb?  Is it "global warming", "La Nina", "El Nino" or just that infinitessimal shift in the earth rotation that is changing weather patterns all over Mother Earth? I doubt that I will ever know the answer to that question, and I need not know.  I just need to BE ~ to SEE, HEAR, and FEEL all that comes my way, and to share those blessings to the best of my ability.

So today, as I watch the bluejays, crows, gold finches and countless other birds getting stocked up on the seeds from my newly-filled feeders, I too am making preparations for what the Creator may throw at us tomorrow.  I have wood for the fire, coffee & comfort food for body & soul. Tonight, the bathtub will be filled with water in the event of a power outage (so I can still FLUSH), the flashlights and candles will be pulled out and accessible, the stove-top percolator brought out of hiding... snow shovels will be lined up, the bucket of "safe paws" ice melter set just inside the door.  What am I forgetting?? Oh yeah ...empty SD cards for my camera... I'm ready!!  And do you know what happens when I am this prepared?  Usually, not much.  I could deal with that too.

Be safe, where-ever you are.  Be happy, whatever you are doing.  Be grateful, for all that has been given to you.  My cup is always at least half full, and more often than not, overflowing.  That is my wish for you today and every day.   So long, January, see ya next year. Welcome, February. Bring it on♥

Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.  ~ Cree Prophecy

Saturday, January 29, 2011


O'siyo Oginalii Tsilugi  - Hello Friends, Welcome!!

Last weekend, I ventured out into the pristine snow covered yard in hopes of finding just the right angle, the right ray of sunshine, the right glint of snow like diamonds, to capture on film.  Well, not that I use film anymore; thank goodness for the digital camera age! The snow pack had a crust of ice, each step required a full motion of leg lift, crunching through the crust into the powdered sugar-snow below.  The depth caused snow to enter my boot tops, icy cold and envigorating.  The walk was wonderous even though no great pictures resulted.  But it was a beautiful day for a walk, and walk I did.  Well....

Two days later, my upper thighs burned like fire and it dawned on me ... all that walking was far more "exercise" than I had thought.  Not to mention that I am way more out of shape than I thought!!  My friend suggested I needed snowshoes ~ I've never had occassion to use them and I think I would be as un-gainly as could be ~ how would one get up after falling down while wearing snow shoes? I had a hard enough time getting up from making snow angels, without feet made larger by multiples! But...

I am loooking out over the ice-crusted snow this morning and wanting to be out there again.  I think I just need more coffee and a good breakfast to get my mind and body in gear.  Then, I'm going outside.  If all I get is another round of thigh-burning, I may have to start researching snowshoes.  I wonder if there is a Guide ... Snowshoes for Dummies?

Wakan Tankan Nici Un
May the Great Spirit walk with you

Friday, January 28, 2011

Food for Thought...

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Entry #1

I feel like the Captain entering data into his logbook ... William Shatner, what a run he has & continues to have, eh? 

But today is day #1, entry #1, of my "blog".  It's cold although not so bad for winter in northeast Pennsylvania.  Next week is supposed to be brutally cold. I have a warm coat, so not to worry!  So do the deer that come around for handouts every night, a little family of five, one young five-point buck, and a young female who was injured and walks on three legs.  We affectionately call her Peg.

Lily the Black Bear continues to provide the world with an amazing insight into her life, with yearling Hope and at least two (possibly three?) new cubs only 6 days old.  It looks like Hope is an amazing big sister. Since no one has ever glimpsed into this situation, there is no "normal". Lily and Hope are showing us what their "normal" is, and it's a privilege to observe.  You can too, at

So that's it. I'll let you know if anything exciting happens♥